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How do I use advertising if my services start at tens of millions of dollars?

We all have different businesses and sometimes our services may be of interest to 1-5 companies per country! In this case, we need 1 geography [exact location] only the head office of the client’s company, 2 [special audiences by intent] construction of a space station, 3 use of keywords with exact match (cost of building a space station for example), using demography [10% of the most rich people] not everyone is able to order the construction of a space station! 4 [special interest audiences] people studying the construction of a certain type of space station, scientists (first-year students will not start building the station soon), located in the head office of a company specializing in space technologies or the appropriate educational institution (from the opinions of the best minds of Harvard, Cambridge and other prestigious Universities may depend on the decision made by a space exploration billionaire). As you can see, regardless of whether you have mass production or search for 5-20 customers all over the planet, you can use Google advertising methods to develop your business and get your dream order, for example, building the largest business center in South Africa!

Targeting the head office of a client’s company!
Choosing the exact physical address of the company!

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